Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thoughts on FanExpo

I went to the fan expo in Toronto yesterday. I had a good time. I say good cause getting there and getting in was hell. Next time I will not bring so much stuff. What my mission there was to find three artists and get there opinions on my work. I only went to one. Darwyn Cooke, he told me to work on my anatomy. I agree, I am lacking in it. So he told me to draw anatomy, figures, for an hour each day and in 6 or so months I would be a better artist. I am going to try and start drawing more. Well, I enjoyed it. It was my first Fan Expo and it was great.

Friday, August 27, 2010

More Images

These are two images I did in Design and comp. The first image based on Count Dracula, the castle is in between two mountains, its moonlit (I felt it gave it a very spooky yet spiritual feel) and then I have bats in the sky. Bats always be known for been vampires. The bottom image I drew based off of the Mouse Guard series, created by David Petersen. David draws great mice and reptiles. I did dream up this certain image myself but was defiantly inspired by Mouse Guard.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

School so far

So far I have found my second year at Max the Mutt to be very good. I know I have only been at the school 4 to 5 days but it's been a fun 4 to 5 days. Our teacher, Ken Stacey, is amazing. I love him so much, he is just such a great teacher. He, Dave Ross, Geordie Millar, Scott Cameron, and Trudy. First year was good so hopefully second year will be just as good and maybe better as well.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week nearing end

My first week at school is almost over. Need to get first page of 4 page comic book done for Friday. Exuasted from the commute. I am going to rest for a while then get right into drawing up my comic.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is my first image post. I did this drawing as my final piece for Design and Composistion. I based the image off a comic series I have been working on, In the Hood. I enjoy making half-human/half-animal characters. I was inspired by Blacksad. I loved those comic books. The characters in the image are the leads of the series, Justin Park and Sarah Rose. To add dimenson I added blue to the yellow house to make it look more distant. I will try and put more images up.

First Blog

This is my first ever blog. I am an artist so once I find out how to upload some of my work, I'll do just that.