Friday, December 16, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I still excist

I feel terrible. Have not posted a thing sinse this summer, I just sadly keep forgetting to. School is keeping me busy. This christmas I will upload some more work. Especially finished versions of past unfinished projects.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Art work upload 2

I am a huge lover of Dead Space and did this video game cover for the sequel. This is not the finished product, I will have the finished one up and soon. Have not gotten the chance to scan it onto my computer.

Art upload

This is a digial piece I did. I think the shading on hulk could use a bit more work.The background is a little unfinished. I got the idea when I decided to take Jack and the Beanstalk and mix it with Marvel heroes. I love spiderman so I have him in this and instead of a giant I replaced him with the green hulk. With the sky I would of created clouds. The mountain texture is mushy, was trying to go for rocky/shadows but couldn't get the forms right. I liked what I did with the sand texture. That was what I was going for. I found it took me a long time to get this far but sadly I do not own my own photoshop. If I ever get the chance I would update this more.


Hello all, I know I need to add more images to my blog. Must try and keep reminding myself of this. As soon as  I can I will upload more photos. As is I have been struggling to get back into the feel of drawing. I find it hard to create the right picture, capture the perfect moment if you will. Will work hard and bring more images soon.

Sadly, I wonder if anyone even reads this blog

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Job Search

Again, it's been taking me awhile to get more images up but need to search for a job.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Summer Begins

It's the summertime now. Going to try and do more drawing this summer and look for a job. Hope for the best.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I can not believe I have not been on this in months, I have so many new pieces. Will put them online as soon as possible. Second Year at school is going well, life drawing needs more work. I need to work on modeled drawings and extended gestures. On to a new book. Have a light box now, can use it for tracing images for inking class. Got all I asked for for Christmas, I even got an i-pad. So amazing. Will be back online sooner. If not, full apologies.

Back To School

Christmas and New Years is over, School year begins again. Will post some new art soon.